Facebook Connect Now Live on Disqus


Disqus Blog » Facebook Connect now available on Disqus: “We began our Facebook Connect integration with our announcement last week. Tonight, all websites using Disqus now have the option to enable Facebook Connect.”

You can try it out here in the comments (if you’re logged into Disqus already, you have to log out first).


49 thoughts on “Facebook Connect Now Live on Disqus”

  1. I can log on to my husbands facebook just fine, but when I try to log on to mine it just does not connect. It just is in that transition page trying to connect and stays like that. Any ideas what is going on?

  2. I think the problem is you are using multiple accounts and sometimes it happens if you use multiple accounts on a single connection, try to log in from another connection if you have it. I came across this problem but I went that way as I suggested and it worked.Emma

  3. Facebook, what will they do next. This one is awsome so you sort of happy with it, can't say the same wit the rest apps though.

  4. Disqus is taking after OpenID. This isn't a bad thing. It just makes things easier for us users. We don't have to create a hundred accounts in order to browse our favorite sites.

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