Vertical Rhythm

Beautiful and helpful post…

24 ways: Compose to a Vertical Rhythm: “On the Web, vertical rhythm – the spacing and arrangement of text as the reader descends the page – is contributed to by three factors: font size, line height and margin or padding. All of these factors must calculated with care in order that the rhythm is maintained.”

via jfornear which I discovered via Dave Winer on Twitter

So Full of Angry


You know school is about to start when your bulletin board gets pranked by fellow teachers.

The Value of Starting Over

Sometimes, it’s better to knock things over and start again.

I’ve been actively blogging on this domain and using it as the home base of my business since 2004.

However, it’s time to clean up and start again. I’m still notebooking things over on my beloved Shareist site, but it’s time to make this a serious focus of my marketing and social media consulting business while I do what I do elsewhere.

I’m excited.