How to Find my Pictures, Diggs, Twitters, Bookmarks and Clips

Head over (and bookmark or grab the feed if you’d like) to:

Everything I twitter, digg, send to Flickr or bookmark on will be added there right away.  So, I’ll be using this space for extended ramblings, thoughts and paper publishing.  I’ll be using that page as an extension of this one to keep track of curious, interesting and relevant things I come across during my hours and hours of internet browsing every day.

So, don’t think of them as two different sites, but as one big meta-site.

If you’d like to see more example of tumblelogs like mine, check out:

Merlin’s Tumbamalog Merlin Mann‘s tumblelog

Tumbleo Leo Laporte‘s tumblelog

Ralph’s Blurbs Ralph Dagza‘s tumblelog

Go set one up to record your daily web browsing (and let me know if you do) at  Let me know if you have any recommendations for how to improve mine!

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