

I’ve gone from being a skinny and physically active college freshman to being an out of shape and overweight teacher, writer, consultant and online marketer. Those things are great for the mind, but not for the body.

Right now I’m somehwere in the 200-210 range and need to get down to 175-180 since I’m right at 5’11-6’0 (depending on shoes of course).

So, in an effort to get there, I’m taking part in Jason Calacanis’ great “FatBlogging” movement. I’ll be posting here about progress, trials and tribulations.

I’m using Traineo and FitDaily to keep tabs on my stats. If you are interested in loosing a few pounds, definitely check out Traineo… web2.0 weight management in all of it’s low calorie goodness.

Hopefully by the Affiliate Summit in June I’ll be well below the 200 marker and on my way to 175!

Keep me accountable and kick my butt-


One thought on “Fatblogging”

  1. Thanks for the tips. I’m in the same boat. 195 pounds, aiming for 145 lbs in 300 days. I’ll check out Fatblogging. Good luck.

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