Brian Littleton on SAS’ PPC Policy


Brian Littleton, head of ShareASale, was in NYC for Ad:Tech and sat down with Shawn Collins, Missy Ward and Connie Berg to discuss a few topics including the network’s interesting “3 Strikes” PPC policy on AffiliateThing…

ShareASale Blog » Blog Archive » Ad-Tech NYC, the Affiliate Thing Podcast, and the PPC “3 Strikes” policy: “I was also lucky to have the opportunity to speak with Shawn Collins on his ‘Affiliate Thing’ podcast at the Affiliate Summit booth. Also on board were co-Affiliate Summitter Missy Ward, and Connie Berg. We had a good time talking about some industry news, issues, and it gave me an opportunity to talk about our PPC ‘3 Strikes’ policy as well. Since September 1st when the policy became active, we’ve received a great amount of feedback and reports. I would also like to thank all of the affiliates who have really stepped up their efforts to make sure that they are in compliance with the rules at hand. I know how difficult it is to keep up with so many policies, and your effort is very much appreciated. We know there will always be mistakes, hiccups, etc… and will continue to do our best to determine the difference between an honest mistake and a continued violation. So thank you…. “

The show really is a good listen.

Here’s the mp3 or head over to for the streaming version.

3 Replies to “Brian Littleton on SAS’ PPC Policy”

  1. Thanks for mentioning the show, Sam. I wasn't aware of the 3 strikes thing from SAS until then.But the picture in your post – shouldn't it be Mike “Golden Glove” Mussina?


  2. Carlos “The Choke” Zambrano is much more fitting considering my Cubbies went3 and out in the playoffs.


  3. Carlos “The Choke” Zambrano is much more fitting considering my Cubbies went
    3 and out in the playoffs.


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