DISQUS and Facebook Connect Hook Up



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Disqus Blog » DISQUS and Facebook Connect under the mistletoe: “Facebook Connect is new technology that allows websites and blogs to plug into the Facebook platform. This holiday season, Disqus will enable all websites with Disqus-powered comments to easily integrate with Facebook Connect.”

Eat it, Jangro.

29 thoughts on “DISQUS and Facebook Connect Hook Up”

  1. Eat what? Daniel and his team know why I had to pull them down, and what it takes to get me back. In the meantime, I don't think they're losing any sleep over losing jangro.com.It's not Facebook integration, however nifty.

  2. I have been using disqus from a long time the experience has been really very good, with more and more things coming with disqus, I am sure it will get very popular!Emma

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  6. i'm new this so called disqus. i dont even have a facebook account. but as far as i know, facebook is related or similar to friendster. maybe just a little bit more latest. i'm just wondering if disqus can also be connected to friendster, which i'm a member of.

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