What Google Reader Might Have Been

I miss reading my friends and people I learned from daily via RSS in (the old) Google Reader. Here’s an amazing walkthrough of what could have been…

Google’s Lost Social Network: “Pre-Twitter, it was the essential aggregation tool for news and information junkies. But Reader had also became a social network in its own right. Four years on, with Google+ ascendant, these same social functions were marked for elimination. And so, its users fretted, was their beloved Google Reader.”

Innocence lost, indeed.

But where do we go?


14 thoughts on “What Google Reader Might Have Been”

  1. Fever looks interesting for aggregation but I’m still looking for the perfect platform for group curation. Curata seems really good but at $1k per month it’s too expensive. (even better if I could share direct from Flipboard)

    1. I don’t know your specific requirements for group curation, Joe, but have you looked at Shareist recently from this angle?

      You can almost share direct from Flipboard. Flipboard saves to Pocket (formerly ReadItLater) which you can connect into Shareist. Then everything in your Pocket account (or Pinboard.in, Delicious, Readability, Flickr, Instagram, and more) is right there to drag into a page you’re curating. http://blog.shareist.com/new-feature-the-content-inbox-in-the-page-builder/

      You can invite collaborators in to work on a notebook with you.

      And if you don’t want to publish on Shareist, you can keep your Shareist notebook locked, connect up a wordpress blog and publish the content there (like MarsEdit, Sam.)

        1. For flickr, is now soon enough?

          Instagram is in the works.

          WordPress importer too, but not as high a priority, at least until more people are banging down our door for it.
          You count as an important vote.

  2. Fever looks interesting for aggregation but I’m still looking for the perfect platform for group curation. Curata seems really good but at $1k per month it’s too expensive. (even better if I could share direct from Flipboard)

    1. I don’t know your specific requirements for group curation, Joe, but have you looked at Shareist recently from this angle?

      You can almost share direct from Flipboard. Flipboard saves to Pocket (formerly ReadItLater) which you can connect into Shareist. Then everything in your Pocket account (or Pinboard.in, Delicious, Readability, Flickr, Instagram, and more) is right there to drag into a page you’re curating. http://blog.shareist.com/new-feature-the-content-inbox-in-the-page-builder/

      You can invite collaborators in to work on a notebook with you.

      And if you don’t want to publish on Shareist, you can keep your Shareist notebook locked, connect up a wordpress blog and publish the content there (like MarsEdit, Sam.)

        1. For flickr, is now soon enough?

          Instagram is in the works.

          WordPress importer too, but not as high a priority, at least until more people are banging down our door for it.
          You count as an important vote.

  3. I’ve decided to hop back into Fever, btw. I’ve been an off-on user forever, but it seems to have gotten much snappier these days. Plus, the integration with Reeder on iOS and the desktop (not to mention the Fever “mobile” site) is pretty spectacular.

    1. Thanks for the reminder. I just got my own fever running again and I’ll be looking at integrating it as an external stream in Shareist.

      Though it already has Instapaper and Delicious support. The latter is supported, the former soon.

      But It’d be really cool to see the fever stream right in Shareist.

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