Affiliates and the Reg Path: Traffic Spam
I’m seeing more and more affiliates attempting to monetize the registration path of their offers before the traffic redirects to the merchant or network’s offer page. A few “affiliate gurus” at the Affiliate Summit were even prescribing a complicated version of this method to “better monetize traffic.”
I’m not comfortable with this approach, and find it incredibly disruptive for both the visitor, affiliate and merchant.
How are merchants combating this sort of tactic?
I’m lost. What do you mean by the “registration path of their offers before the traffic redirects to the merchant or network’s offer page?”
Can you give us an example?
Thanks in advance.
Are you talking about capturing data (email, phone, address, etc) during the affiliate clickstream?
Kevin and Sawyer: Not only are the affiliates and ‘super affiliates” I’m talking about capturing data during the clickpath, but also presenting other (not competing, but similar) offers via interstitials and delayed pops and then marketing to the data later via email with similar offers. I hear this is particularly popular with affiliates promoting ringtone offers and lead gen.
Afilliate marketing is pretty much famous now a days especially in medical and fashion fields