“Orientalism, Assyriology and the Bible” Review
The book (Steven Holloway’s excellent work Orientalism, Assyriology and the Bible) where I was footnoted for the first time (Prof Ben Foster of Yale’s Ancient Near Eastern Dept cited my work Asia Has Claims Upon New England) was just reviewd by the Review of Biblical Literature.
How I found this book is a great story… I was in Nashville this past Spring for the regional meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature / American Academy of Religion meeting and hit the bookstore that had been set up at the conference. While scanning a book table, I noticed the unusual cover and read the title. Immediately, I knew I had to have this book (not too many non-journal publications on Assyriology these days). I had to wait until the last day of the show to pick the book up because it was the only copy the publisher had with them and they wanted to keep it on display. So, as my group was headed out of Nashville, I stopped by and picked it up and began flipping through the pages. I noticed that one section was written by an old Yale Prof (well, I never had a class with him, but I did take a class with his wife and I did bird sit for them one summer). As I skimmed through his article, my name caught my eye and I had to do a triple take before I realized I had been footnoted by a top Professor in the field of Ancient Near East studies. It was quite a moment for me… it’s the little things, you know?
Nonetheless, I can’t say this is good bed time reading for the general public, but if you’re into history or 19th Century “western” perceptions of ancient history, this is a must-read:
Description: “Orientalism” refers both to the academic study of the Orient and to Western scholarship that clings to stock images of the timeless East and oriental despotism. This landmark collection of essays, the first in its field, is written by seasoned art historians, Assyriologists and biblical specialists; it is organized under four rubrics: