DSCN2211 on Flickr – Photo Sharing!ConvergeSouth is a tremendous conference held in Greensboro, NC that you should definitely attend next year. It’s hard to classify since there is a mix of students, middle age folks, bloggers, old folks, whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, social progressives, tech geeks and people who are dedicated to the causes of good barbeque and citizen journalism (or both).
I led a workshop on “affiliate marketing and web.20 convergence” at the conference and had a full room and tons of questions and insights from the attendees. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but by the end, I was wishing that we had two hours to converse rather than the allotted 1 hour. I guess that’s the sign of a good crowd and conference, though.
There’s a film festival tonight and I’m sad that I won’t be able to make it. However, I wish my new friends Farrah and Mitchell Davis good luck as they present a film tonight. It was great to also meet people like Francis Shepherd and gain a few new friends on Twitter and Facebook (Jason Calacanis led a great workshop on the social force that are platforms like Twitter and I think he made a few new converts).
I’d also like to thank Sue and the great folks at ConvergeSouth, North Carolina A&T and the City of Greensboro for having the guts and vision to put on such an ambitious and diverse conference.