Robert Scoble has started a fun trip down memory lane for all of us with his post “Celebrating Seven Years of Blogging.”
I formally started blogging in 2002 with Digital Moses then the relaunched ReveNews (my pal Jim Kukral was publisher of ReveNews at the time and has been blogging since 2000 or so). But the blogging that I’m most proud of was the class blog I started while I was teaching 8th Grade Physical Science at Hammond School in Columbia, SC. The blog was called SkyHawkScience and was a tremendous experience. I still tear up when I look at the archive on Internet Archive (took the site down because after I left teaching I didn’t want the blog to forever dominate my students’ Google indexes since it did gain popularity).
I still miss that blog. I’ve gone on to blog at CostPerNews, ReveNews again, HarrelsonReligion (my college class blog) and here (first on then as a hosted WordPress blog). I still like the SkyHawkScience blog the best, though.