What is an API?

Matt Dickman has an excellent (and concise) post/video on MarketingProfs explaining what an API is and what it does.

Whether you’re a marketing geek or just someone interested in improving your web marketing, you need to at least have a conversational understanding of API’s in this web2.0 mashup world. Matt provides a good place to start.

Matt is doing a series of these posts on important terms or concepts that marketers need to understand or grasp in order to exist and survive in the current and emerging tech landscape, so keep an eye on the RSS feed there.

2 thoughts on “What is an API?”

  1. Thanks for posting the video. The video is a very simple to understand view of APIs as a transport method. As the PM for Commission Junction’s Web Services, the #1 discussion that I have with publishers is that the APIs are a method of access, not a new set of data. Often folks hear that they need to use web services or that they need a datafeed to get the correct data. The data is the same. It is just a choice of how one wants to access the data.

    More technical educational pieces like this will help the affiliate world.

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