Internet Marketers on Twitter
Brian Chappell over at MarketingPilgrim has a list of 75 or so internet marketing professionals actively using Twitter. If you’re new or old to Twitter this is a nice resource:
Many underground conversations go on within Twitter that never make it to the blogosphere or news sites. It can be a dynamite location for link bait ideas, breaking stories, and general topics you might not think about on a daily basis. You might even find yourself obtaining clientèle through it. I really could go on and on with what you could do with Twitter.
As an aside, over on my personal blog (?), I made some remarks about how Twitter has changed since the “good old days.”
Marketing Pilgrim – 75+ Internet Marketing Gurus on Twitter
Thanks for the write up Sam. You know I made this first and foremost to share with others b/c I knew how hard it was to find people “worth” following. If you use the tool to learn then you obv want to find the people in your industry that add value, and like you said, don’t simply @ everyone all day long.
I typically follow people who post cool links, relevant blog posts, and are generally friendly. I try to steer away from people who have twitterfeed auto populating there twitter accnt, as well as any “robotic” implementations.