8 Random Things About Sam Harrelson
James Omdahl asked me to take part in the “8 Random Things About Me” meme. Although I hate these memes, I like James so I’ll play along.
1. I cut my finger off just before I entered 9th grade. I was on a boating trip with my parents the weekend before school started and got my hand caught between the edge of the boat and the dock when another boat sped by and knocked our boat against the dock. I got my left hand out in time, but my right hand wasn’t fast enough. I ended up slicing off the end of my ring finger (from the top knuckle up) and crushing my other fingers. We actually saved the finger and it got re-attached. However, I have no feeling in it, so typing “L’s” and “O’s” on a keyboard is a pain.
2. Speaking of fingers, I can bend my pinky fingers all the way back. I have a rare condition called Ehlor’s Danlos that results in “hypermobility.” Basically, I’m like Rubber Band Man.
3. I love scifi book and movies. I’m reading 5 or 6 scifi books at anytime. Edgar Rice Burroughs (Martian Tales and Tarzan) is my favorite author. I’m also a huge Robert Heinlein fan. Science fiction is the last bastion of theology and philosophy in this post-modern age.
4. I’m working towards a PhD in Assyriology. I should be finished by now, but I started the program at Yale in 2000 and moved back to SC with my wife in 2002 so that she could attend medical school. Looks like I’ll be finishing around 2050 or so at this rate. I did, however, get a book published by Yale Press on Assyriology in 2006 called Asia Has Claims Upon New England. I was proud.
5. I met Ravi Shankar at an Anoushka Shankar concert in Newberry, SC a few years ago. I’ve never shaken hands with someone so awe-inspiring.
6. I want to be a teacher. I’ve been an 8th grade Science teacher and a Religious Studies Prof at a small univ in NC. Both were great experiences but I realized that you can be a teacher in whatever capacity you serve… even in marketing.
7. Macaroni and cheese (Kraft out of the box with way too much pepper and skim milk) is my favorite food.
8. When I graduated college with a Religion degree, I had every intention of becoming a minister (did the Pre-Ministerial club and everything) because of my experience in the AmeriCorps. I went to seminary for two years and realized that I was a heretic and got out with a master’s degree in Religion and Ancient Art. Jesus still loves me (I think).
Thanks for the nod, James… that ended up being more fun than I thought it would be.