I Love Disqus

The comment solution I use here at CostPerNews is called Disqus. It’s fantastic and the best of both worlds for building a community out of your commenters.

Today, Disqus is announcing a new funding round and a slew of new (and very cool) features that enhances the platform:

Disqus Blog » Disqus releases Beta 2 – New features, lots of bug fixes, improved performance: “Bloggers are some of the most opinionated and vocal people out there. So when creating a product for bloggers, expect them to significantly shape the thing every step of the way.

Disqus is very much such a product. Late last week, we release what we dubbed Beta 2. That’s the label we’re giving to one of the biggest Disqus updates in a long time. And credit goes to you, wonderful Disqus user, for all the help in improving your favorite discussion service.”

So what’s new?

For one the forum look-and-feel is gone and replaced by very nice “Community Pages.” Everything is much more coherently organized and easier to browse. You can see the CPN Comments Page here for an example.

Disqus is also making it easier for commenters to create their own profiles and add social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn to that profile fairly easily. Since the crowd here tends to be the same commenters, this could be a neat feature for this particular blog and help you get some traffic to your other social networking spaces. That profile travels with you to other blogs that use Disqus.

There’s lots of additional goodness on the backend for blog owners that I won’t bore you with, but it’s easier to configure the look and feel of the place and easier to bake in the Disqus comments into the originating blog.

For example, the biggest request I had was for a “Recent Comments” widget that would display new comments here on the blog that were reflective of the forum. That’s baked in now, thank goodness.

So, if you’re a blogger and looking for something to spice the place up and bring in extra functionality for your readers and commenters, I highly suggest Disqus.

84 thoughts on “I Love Disqus”

  1. Disqus was the first I tried and so far it’s been pretty amazing: Using the disqus wordpress plugin you can actually import all of your existing wordpress comments into it and it keeps both sides in sync, so comments made through disqus also get added to your wordpress database. Also it looks like it would be pretty easy to back out without losing comments if I find something wrong with Disqus – sweet

  2. Yeah, I agree with your article, Disqus really helped a lot in developing social networks and links. It's a community wherein users could explore and build useful links for self beneficiary and others.

  3. Disqus really helped alot of blog readers and comment posters, this could build social networks because of the links that could be included on comments. The disqus community develops users for better social network.

  4. There’s lots of additional goodness mocospace.com on the backend for blog owners that I won’t bore you with, but it’s easier to configure the look and feel of the place and easier to bake in the Disqus comments into the originating blog.

  5. Are there 2 seperate free or pay versions that offer more features? What technology is it based on?I wouldnt mind paying some extra money for some extras, depending on the cost, run it across the network

  6. Hi there, just saw your comment and wanted to know, now it's been more than 8 months that you are using disqus, are you still liking it? Just asking randomly. For me I just love it!Dave

  7. Disqus is great! It keeps you updated and connected to whom you’re replying. The plugin provides a flyout of the commenter’s profile and recent comments that you can view in the comment stream. It also have a rating system so that everyone can rate your comments.

  8. I noticed that a lot of blog owners are using disqus as their commenting platform, not only disqus was SEO friendly, it is also easy to manage, giving the website owner lot of options on what they can do with the comments.

  9. i love disqus too, it's a great tools to have hot and interactive discussion.

  10. Hi, interesting post. I have been thinking about this topic,so thanks for posting. I'll probably be coming back to your posts. Keep up the good posts

  11. I already know about “Disqus” and “Intensedebate” services. I would like to know services apart from these especially if someone could provide “Facebook Friend Connect”.

  12. disqus had been a big help for many professionals such as real estate agent and chiropractors because they can network all their comments without a hassle

  13. Currently there are some “comment plugins” which can let a page have function of comment.The best one I know is Disqus With greater control and commenter profiles. this plugins is really cool, I love it. Thanks

  14. Disqus had been popular for it has cool features many bloggers are using disqus nowadays, for they love the feature that allows comment networking.

  15. Discus is the revolution of commenting, and I hope that it would stay for good. It helps simplify the interaction of bloggers and readers and help them promote a wider learning experience!

  16. Disqus has revolutionized blog commenting, and I hope that it would stay for good. It would help bloggers and readers interact easier and promote a better learning experience through their easier collaboration.

  17. Disqus is one of the best way to manage your comments, with all the features that they offer. Disqus had been really one of the most famous site for comment posters.

  18. Its a god choice you had pick disqus, Web comments can be difficult for both websites and their readers. That's why disqus is the right site for y our blog.

  19. What's even better is that Disqus has a discussion board, aside from its other important features that allows a better interaction for bloggers and their respective commentators.

  20. It keeps you updated and connected to whom you’re replying. The plugin provides a flyout of the commenter’s profile and recent comments that you can view in the comment stream.

  21. There’s lots of additional goodness on the backend for blog owners that I won’t bore you with, but it’s easier to configure the look and feel of the place and easier to bake in the Disqus comments into the originating blog.

  22. Disqus has revolutionized blog commenting, and I hope that it would stay for good. It would help bloggers and readers interact easier and promote a better learning experience through their easier collaboration

  23. i think there’s lots of additional goodness on the backend for blog owners that I won’t bore you with, but it’s easier to configure the look and feel of the place and easier to bake in the Disqus comments into the originating blog.

  24. i think there’s lots of additional goodness on the backend for blog owners that I won’t bore you with, but it’s easier to configure the look and feel of the place and easier to bake in the Disqus comments into the originating blog.

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