@GaryVee’s School of Marketing

Gary Vaynerchuk of WineLibraryTVsantagaryvee.gif is at it again… this time schooling all of us on how to market through Twitter.

Pay attention, folks. Class is in session…

Santa GaryVee: “A couple days a week (and sometimes much, much more!) the benevolent Santa GaryVee will direct you to exclusive mind-blowing deals, available only via Twitter.

Gary Vaynerchuk loves EVERYONE and wishes happiness and most importantly health to all. But once that’s granted, he wants nothing more than to put together incredible deals on wine and other merchandise.

Free shipping, discount codes, unbelievable prices… all will come as your gift from the one and only Santa GaryVee.

Friend up Santa GaryVee on Twitter today and reap the benefits of these wild, generous offers!”

Should be fun and yet another reason for you to check out Twitter. And if you’re already on Twitter, here’s your reason to join the Very Green Team.

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