How Not to Do B2B Marketing on Facebook


I’m sure Michelle is a nice person, but pitches like this (blasted out to a number of people) on social networks don’t work and only result in unfriending and avoidance.  I’m getting more and more of these on Facebook lately and they are much more annoying than “vampire bites” or “Funwall notices”…



We’ve launched a brand new FREE perfume/cologne club today. Please check it out as you can now try before you buy with ScentByMe.

Click here:

Also, forward to your friends who would like to be scent-sational!


Again, I’m not picking on Michelle, but people need to realize that these sorts of failpitches only damage your program.  If you’re going to pitch me like this on Facebook/Twitter/Flickr/etc, at least get to know me (so then I can tell you where to go after you pitch me like that).

As someone said on our social media marketing panel at Affiliate Summit in February, you wouldn’t walk into a dinner party where you didn’t know everyone and start pitching your Tupperware.  Apply that to social networks and oh the places you’ll go.