Palin in Asheville? You Betcha I’ll Be There!

Guess who’s got 5 tickets for Gov Palin’s Asheville rally this Sunday night??

You betcha, it’s me!

I registered as Joe DePlumber btw. – McCain-Palin 2008

22 thoughts on “Palin in Asheville? You Betcha I’ll Be There!”

  1. I'd be there if it wasn't so far away. I suffer the curse of living in a state that candidates seldom visit.

  2. I’d be there if it wasn’t so far away. I suffer the curse of living in a state that candidates seldom visit.

  3. I’d be there if it wasn’t so far away. I suffer the curse of living in a state that candidates seldom visit.

  4. I'd be there if it wasn't so far away. I suffer the curse of living in a state that candidates seldom visit.

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