Kindle Software Update

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There’s a new software update for the Kindle that evidently improves (the already pretty awesome) battery life. I can go for days and days of heavy reading and not have to recharge.

And yes, I still freaking love my Kindle. Game changer!

EduKindle » Blog Archive » Kindle Battery Life and Release 1.04 (and 1.08): “What release is your Kindle running? Go to ‘home,’ scroll to ‘settings’ and click. At the very bottom of the settings screen you will see the version of the Kindle software you are running. If it is 1.0, go here to figure out how to upgrade to 1.04 (or 1.08, for that matter).”

So, for all the new converts to Kindle-ism, make sure you have the new update.

13 thoughts on “Kindle Software Update”

  1. My kindle has been on 1.04 I think for months Sam.I don't get any update notification. Nor do I understand this 1.04 == 1.08 malarkey.

  2. Oh you are my soul mate! I love Kindle so much as you do. Despite the fact that this post is old but it remembered me to check for Kindle updates. Reading books using Kindle is awesome! I have ordered some more software for my Kindle here software application development I hope they will offer me something interesting.

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