Ad Spending Predictions Dire (But What About Peformance?)


It puzzles me that “online ad spending” and “online marketing” are seen as one large homogeneous block by pundits and analysts.

Surely, this sort of thing is true for the Madison Ave crowd that relies on display and CPM advertising/marketing for their bottom lines:

eMarketer Cuts 2009 Projection for Online Ad Spend to Single Digits | Epicenter from “The revised projection data puts online ad spending at $25.7 billion in 2009 — a mere 8.9% over the $23.6 billion that will be spent this year and down from the 14.9 percent estimate it made only three months ago. In 2010 eMarketer estimates growth will barely return to double-digits — 10.9 percent — and that it will not be until 2013 before it hits 13.5 percent.”

However, what about performance marketing?

I have a feeling that as the economy continues to sour with no end in sight, performance marketing will increasingly be the “goto” for large companies and advertising agencies seeking shelter from the storm.

Nonetheless, I’m daily puzzled at why this isn’t happening sooner.

2 thoughts on “Ad Spending Predictions Dire (But What About Peformance?)”

  1. I was reading an article a couple days ago in the paper based on the eMarketer report, and I was annoyed at the broad brush that didn't distinguish performance from the over-priced, non-performance advertising.Thought about writing a letter to the editor, but then remembered I chastised the author on the same sort of omission 2 weeks ago and she was unmoved.

  2. I was reading an article a couple days ago in the paper based on the eMarketer report, and I was annoyed at the broad brush that didn't distinguish performance from the over-priced, non-performance advertising.

    Thought about writing a letter to the editor, but then remembered I chastised the author on the same sort of omission 2 weeks ago and she was unmoved.

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