I Won’t Be at Affiliate Summit West

With much frustration and sadness, I wanted to let you know that I won’t be attending ASW this year.

A close family member has been sick for the last few months and some labs came back this week that weren’t good. All that to say, I’m needed here with family and the baby since they are my first priorities. Everything should be alright in the long term, but for now, family calls.

This is the first Affiliate Summit West or East I’ve missed in a long while, and it tears me up to think I won’t be there with all of my close friends and colleagues. I look forward to these gathering of the tribes so much because we are such a tight-knit community. Plus, I was really excited to hang out with the PartnerCentric team.

All that to say, I’m missing one hell of a show and networking event. What Missy and Shawn have put together really has become an integral part of life/business/friendship to anyone involved in affiliate marketing. It’s a true testament to their hard work and dedication that we all look forward to these shows so much. I know I do, at least.

If you are like me and can’t make it, make sure to check out the live stream of the Gary Vaynerchuk keynote provided by Missy and Shawn.

So, have a Coors Light for me at the All American Bar and Grille in the Rio. I’ll be there in spirit.

See you in New York for ASE this August-


12 thoughts on “I Won’t Be at Affiliate Summit West”

  1. Totally sucks to not see you Sam, but there are 2 events every year and the next one in NYC will be great. Take care of your family business because in the end that is all that matters. I will keep good thoughts.

  2. i'll miss you at affiliate summit and will be thinking good thoughts for your family. we'll be sure to have a drink in your honor.

  3. Or two… or three…We'll buy a fifth of Jack & Todd can swig from it periodically in your honor. Will miss ya… hope all turns out well for your family member.

  4. I know how you feel – I'm not thrilled about missing ASW either, but we're family men and we have our priorities straight. If you're not up for doing Geek Dads next week, me and Joe can handle it no problem – family comes first – just let us know and we'll work it out. Best wishes to everyone.

  5. Don't let it get you down. Duty calls.We'll see you in NYC at the very latest Sam, or maybe we should have a mini Summit in Asheville. I hear it's nice there in the spring. Actually, I've never heard that.Please give my best to Anna.

  6. That is exactly why I couldn't be at the Summit. Family comes first. My Mom is doing much better, but things can change in a heartbeat. Hope all turns out okay with you family member's illness.

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