How to Be Successful in Affiliate Marketing (and Life)
You should read this…
Inri137 comments on I’m not as smart as I thought I was.: “I need to ask you, has anyone ever taken the time to teach you how to study? And separately, have you learned how to study on your own in the absence of a teacher or curriculum? These are the most valuable tools you can acquire because they are the tools you will use to develop more powerful and more insightful tools. It only snowballs from there…”
No, seriously, go read the entire thing on Reddit. I’ll wait.
The entire thread is worthy of a looking over when you’re down on yourself or think this affiliate marketing thing is “over your head” or you are “too old to learn new tricks” or “too young to get in a rut.” So save it in your Evernote account as a PDF so you can find it later or pull it up on your iPhone or iPad when you’re on the road and need to be reminded of why you do what you do.
Work hard, practice, study and repeat. Don’t stop.
Affiliate marketing, and life in general, are things we do. These are jobs that we accomplish. Real εὐδαιμονία comes when we work at the job of life.
So put your head down, stop procrastinating and get to work.
[I wrote this post for me, not you. But thanks for reading. Sam]