Chromecast Love


I’m watching a great BBC production on YouTube about the Syrian conflict while getting some Labor Day work done (and while Willie chews a bone) via Chromecast.

I didn’t immediately understand what Chromecast meant for my media consumption but it really is revolutionary in bridging the gap between web content and my ‘tv’ which has basically become a dumb screen for content via Roku and Chromecast now.

Posted from WordPress for Android

3 thoughts on “Chromecast Love”

    1. Haven’t had cable since 2003. Beyond sports (which is being replaced by MLB app) I’ve had no reservations. Netflix, Hulu, Google Play, Amazon etc via the Roku (as well as History and AE apps on Android) and Chromecast more than make up for having cable!

  1. Haven’t had cable since 2003. Beyond sports (which is being replaced by MLB app) I’ve had no reservations. Netflix, Hulu, Google Play, Amazon etc via the Roku (as well as History and AE apps on Android) and Chromecast more than make up for having cable!

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