The Human Hope, the Cloud, and why 70% of internet traffic flows through Northern Virginia

Short but fascinating-to-ponder pilgrim’s progress piece…

And maybe my desire to submerge myself in that sediment, to weave The Cloud into the timelines of railroad robber-barons and military R&D, emerges from the same anxiety that makes me go try to find these buildings in the first place: that maybe we have mistaken The Cloud’s fiction of infinite storage capacity for history itself. It is a misunderstanding that hinges on a weird, sad, very human hope that history might actually end, or at least reach some kind of perfect equipoise in which nothing terrible could ever happen again. As though if we could only collate and collect and process and store enough data points, the world’s infinite vaporware of real-time data dashboards would align into some kind of ultimate sand mandala of total world knowledge, a proprietary data nirvana without terror or heartbreak or bankruptcy or death, heretofore only gestured towards in terrifying wall-to-wall Accenture and IBM advertisements at airports.

Source: Up to 70 Percent of Global Internet Traffic Goes Through Northern Virginia –

Episode 23: Thinking Religion 62: No one gets crucified for being too nice – Thinking.FM


Thomas and Sam discuss the demise of Evernote but their renewed use, why app stores are the new platform, their love of This Is Ground products, and how Christians should and could deal with violence.

Show Notes:

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The New York Public Library Uploads 200,000 Images for Public Use

What the web was made for… much more beneficial to humanity than social media silos or native content ads:

The New York Public Library just uploaded nearly 200,000 images you can use for free | The Verge: “The New York Public Library just released a treasure trove of digitized public domain images, featuring epic poetry from the 11th century to photographs of used car lots in Columbus, Ohio from the 1930s. Over 180,000 manuscripts, maps, photographs, sheet music, lithographs, postcards, and other images were released online Wednesday in incredibly high resolution, and are available to download using the library’s user-friendly visualization tool. It’s a nostalgist’s dream come true.”

Episode 22: Thinking Out Loud 95: We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby – Thinking.FM

Neil Gaiman New Year

Elisabeth and Merianna talk about their New Year’s Resolutions including reading, writing and personal challenges. They also talk about how far they have come since they first started podcasting and some exciting plans for 2016!

Show Notes:

What are Elisabeth and Merianna reading?

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Episode 21: Thinking Religion 61: “We took the toys out of the box and now we get to play with them a little bit.” – Thinking.FM


Thomas and Sam discuss the past year of Thinking Religion, add some new commentary, and talk about what’s next in 2016 for the podcast.

Show Notes:

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Looking ahead

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2015 and the Return to Long Form


It annoys me beyond belief when people tell me our podcasts “should be 20 or so minutes” on Thinking.FM

All-day podcasts and brick-sized books. Or, why 2015 was the year the long form fought back | Books | The Guardian: “There is something almost inexpressibly appealing about this, in an era when almost all other content – articles, podcasts, videos, TV shows – arrives doing jazz hands, anxiously soliciting the reader’s or listener’s or viewer’s attention by means of outrageous headlines or self-conscious gimmicks, in a determined effort to make things seem more interesting than, on inspection, they turn out to be.”

We (I think unfortunately) gave in to the loud minority on Thinking Religion, but I still very much personally enjoy the flexibility and personality of long form podcasts. And books. And blog posts. And thoughts.

Despite our newfound digital souls, we’re rekindling the notion that not everything can or should be “bite sized” to satiate our digital materialism.