Take Care of Your Tiny Notebooks

I like to think every time I open up Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations that I’m peering into something I shouldn’t be privy to… as I would always tell my students, he didn’t write those words for me, but only for himself. Yet, here we are. 

I gave away little composition notebooks to my students that we called “Tiny Notebooks.” I’d like to think some of them still are tempted to use them!

Take Care of Your Little Notebook | Charles Simic | The New York Review of Books:

I very much hope these notebooks I see in stationery stores, card shops, and bookstores are serving similar purposes. Just think, if you preserve them, your grandchildren will be able to read your jewels of wisdom fifty years from now, which may prove exceedingly difficult, should you decide to confine them solely to a smart phone you purchased yesterday.

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