AffiliateCamp Beta: Memetics and Deodorant in Las Vegas

When Affiliate Marketing Gets Weird, The Weird Get Affiliate MarketingAffiliate Summit is quickly approaching (January 21-23). If you haven’t registered yet, go there now and take care of that. This Summit is going to be well worth your time, money and effort, so make sure you don’t miss it.

Now that the hotel rooms at Bally’s are basically sold out, I think it’s kosher to let you know that Wayne Porter and I have decided to do something a little drastic, crazy and completely unorthodox for this year’s Affiliate Summit West.

Instead of staying at a hotel, we’re going to camp from the Friday to Tuesday during the Summit at nearby Lake Mead National Recreation Area. It’s about a 30 min trip, but I think it will be a blast.

We’re renting a car for the back-and-forth to the conference downtown, so feel free to tag along to AffiliateCamp Beta with us. Anyone is welcome to come out and spend the night with the stars, a nice fire, some strategy talks and a little Hunter S. inspired craziness.


So, let us know if you’d like to be a part of the beta test of AffiliateCamp. This is in no way a profit generating event. We’re just camping out in the desert and giving it a fun name since we’re in town for a conference.

In some ways, this is part of my own attempt to completely open source my life. We’ll see how it goes!


15 thoughts on “AffiliateCamp Beta: Memetics and Deodorant in Las Vegas”

  1. Good for you, you have got to do a write up on this when you get back. Im afraid of rattle snakes so if you dont mind, Ill slum it at Ballys. You crazy Americans,lol respect!

  2. Yes Heather…there will be smores.

    Thanks for the kind words, Jess.

    We’ve got an open tent flap policy, so everyone is welcome. Wait… that doesn’t sound right. Anyway, there will be campfires, singalongs, smores, scary affiliate stories and whiskey in the jar.

  3. If I hadn’t already booked Bally’s I might have been tempted 😉 however I think packing a tent might take me over my baggage allowance for the flight.

    Hope you have a great time and I hope to meet you in a couple of weeks.

  4. Heya Sam,
    I saw your blog mentioned over at Shawn’s site and it’s definitely primo linkbait.

    Great gung ho spirit, and I’ll be at ASW too.

    I guess I’ll be able to spot you and Wayne by sniffing you guys out?

    Between the parties at ASW, I personally don’t think I’d be able to make the 30min drive out to the desert.

    You could do your own ‘burning man’ event.

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