Weekly Insight Podcast 11/3 – 11/10

The new Weekly Insight podcast that we recorded on Friday is now up. The show is getting better and better every week, and I’d definitely suggest checking out this new episode if you haven’t done so already. We grill affiliate educators, grill Wayne on ReveNews and have a great debate on the state of affiliate marketing (you can only imagine what Jeff, Amanda and I came up with!).

Thanks to Carsten for the plug on ReveNews as well!

Weekly Insight – 11/03/06 (83 MINUTES)

This Week’s Gossip and News:ipodwithbuttons_16.gif

– MonkeyPhonecall to Scoble
– Affiliates: To Educate Them or Not?
– A Critical Look at Revenews, Gurus, Conferences
– Is Our Industry Looking Backward?
– Deep Thoughts: Search, Memetics & Affiliates

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