California Monarch Numbers Plunging

I’m speaking a bit on this situation with monarchs at a conference at UC Santa Barbara this Spring. There’s no mystery as to why the insect is seeing such diminished numbers (a 95% drop since the 1980s in California), but there is a mystery as to why we continue to allow pesticides to harm pollinating species (as well as humans). 

Insect species numbers are known to ebb and flow, but this sort of trend line is not good.

California monarch butterfly numbers plunge; wildfire wipes out Topanga habitat – Los Angeles Times:

“We know pesticides are a key driver of monarch and other pollinator declines. Yet there are glaring gaps in the EPA’s oversight of pesticides: the vast majority of pesticides have never been tested for their impacts on butterflies,” said Rosemary Malfi, director of conservation policy at the Xerces Society, in a statement. “How can we protect these essential species if we’re missing the basic information needed to make better decisions?”