As technological skills become synonymous with literacy, it is imperative that students learn to use emerging real-time technologies for research, experimentation, problem-solving, collaboration and creativity. Tech-savvy teachers are already taking advantage of these very technologies to build their own skills and lesson plans.

The Real Time Web & K-12 Education – In and Out of the Classroom


Young digital natives are training their brains for technological expertise but are not developing neural networks that modulate the ability to maintain eye contact during a conversation, recognize non-verbal cues, and perceive and convey empathy.

iHUMAN | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters

Even with cheap printed books, you can tell that someone proofed every page. With many e-books, they’ve clearly just been run through a converter with no proofing whatsoever.

Daring Fireball Linked List: Texts, as Opposed to Books

Astute comment from Gruber that reminds me of the transition from handwritten manuscripts and texts (often laboriously copied) to texts manufactured on printing presses at the end of the late Renaissance. 

Over the next five years, I expect for ebook curation and formatting to become a serious issue.  This will be especially true for the education space as we teachers continue to move away from textbooks and towards reading devices. 

Pay Per VOIP

Me initially: “yay! Finally.”

Me after reading description: “wait, really? Sigh.”

I have no issue paying for services. However, paying for 3G calls via Skype even though I already pay Skype and ATT seems a little… opportunistic by the vendors?

Just sayin’