Mesmerizing tick. Make it snug…
Still need to blog
One day Facebook will be gone. But your blog can live on…
Recently I’ve been writing stuff on Facebook, because the engagement level there is so high. But I’ve found that if I want people who don’t use Facebook, and there are still important people who don’t, you have to put it somewhere else, and for me that’s here on my blog.
When I was 7, this was the first magazine I ever bought with my own money
Realizing Our Place in the Universe
“This image, captured with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the largest and sharpest image ever taken of the Andromeda galaxy — otherwise known as M31.This is a cropped version of the full image and has 1.5 billion pixels. You would need more than 600 HD television screens to display the whole image.”
via Sharpest ever view of the Andromeda Galaxy | ESA/Hubble.
I had to download the 4.3 GB file. For science.
Brian Greene on the State of String Theory 2015
Much as the sonorous tones of a cello arise from the vibrations of the instrument’s strings, the collection of nature’s particles would arise from the vibrations of the tiny filaments described by string theory. The long list of disparate particles that had been revealed over a century of experiments would be recast as harmonious “notes” comprising nature’s score.
via Why String Theory Still Offers Hope We Can Unify Physics | Smithsonian.
Accepting Change And Being an Expert
It’s hard enough already not to become the prisoner of your own expertise, but it will only get harder, because change is accelerating. That’s not a recent trend; change has been accelerating since the paleolithic era. Ideas beget ideas. I don’t expect that to change. But I could be wrong.
School Lunches
Soylent Green is people (but seriously, this looks terrible)!
Students have posted their photos of mystery slop and scant portions after Mrs Obama spearheaded the United State Department of Agriculture’s "Let’s Move!" initiative to crackdown on obesity by reducing fat, simple sugars and salt in school food.
Books Aren’t Just Commodities
Worth your time (and I love the dig at Amazon and the cartel of book publishers):
Books aren’t just commodities; the profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art. We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words.
Short-form blogging thoughts
Great thoughts on blogging in 2014 from Gina Trapani…
This is still a work-in-progress, notes-to-self kind of thing, but it’s been sitting in Draft for months now, so it’s time to get it out. With the obvious caveat that rules are made to be broken (with reason), my new rules for blogging are…
Why Blogs?
Blogs are — or at least were — different. They are an individual’s place for speaking out loud, but the relationships that form around them were based on links among posts, not social networks that link among people. I’m all for social networks, but we also need networks of ideas.
What if businesses and schools looking for big ideas followed Asimov’s advice?
The great ideas of the ages have come from people who weren’t paid to have great ideas, but were paid to be teachers or patent clerks or petty officials, or were not paid at all. The great ideas came as side issues.
via Published for the First Time: a 1959 Essay by Isaac Asimov on Creativity | MIT Technology Review.
The Next Printing Revolution
Having access to a 3D printer at Hammond has definitely changed the way I think about design, production, and consumption (in a school environment at least).
I greatly look forward to the concept of printing to continue to extend from hand written manuscripts to the printing press to 3D printing to this type of molecular crystal printing…
But the most interesting application has to be the potential for 3D-printed pills and medications. The technique could be adapted into a consumer-friendly machine allowing patients to simply print their own medicines in the exact dosages they need.
via Scientists Produce Rounded Crystals That Could Lead To 3D-Printed Pills.
Handy Chromebook Solutions Guide for edu folks from CDW
Hadn’t seen this before but lots of good information for those educational institutions pondering Chromebooks and accessories…
CDW Chromebook Solutions Guide.
Holy Thursday
Is this a holy thing to see In a rich and fruitful land, Babes reduced to misery, Fed with cold and usurous hand?
Is that trembling cry a song? Can it be a song of joy? And so many children poor? It is a land of poverty!
And their sun does never shine,And their fields are bleak and bare, And their ways are filled with thorns: It is eternal winter there.
For where’er the sun does shine, And where’er the rain does fall, Babes should never hunger there, Nor poverty the mind appall.
Volatile and Decentralized: The Secret Lives of Professors
Volatile and Decentralized: The Secret Lives of Professors
I think I made the right decision to scrap my dreams of being the Professor in Good Will Hunting and go for the teacher in Dead Poet’s Society.
Waylon Jennings – Me And Bobby McGee
Wilco – Kamera
Glycerine (Acoustic) (Live) – Bush – Pandora Internet Radio
Glycerine (Acoustic) (Live) – Bush – Pandora Internet Radio
Good stuff that takes me back to early High School. Thanks, Pandora.
listening to “Josh Ritter – Girl in the War”
listening to “Josh Ritter – Girl in the War”
“Peter said to Paul, ‘Remember all those words we wrote?…’” for @thomasjwhitley (DEG would’ve loved)
listening to “Big Head Todd And The Monsters – Bittersweet”
listening to “Big Head Todd And The Monsters – Bittersweet”
Anna and I are going house shopping in Spartanburg today…
Joe Firmage quits as CEO 2 Pursue UFO’s
Joe Firmage quits as CEO 2 Pursue UFO’s
Internet Archive Search: collection:etree AND (date:19??-02-18 OR date:20??-02-18)
Internet Archive Search: collection:etree AND (date:19??-02-18 OR date:20??-02-18)
concerts on this date in history
Internet Archive Search: collection:etree AND (date:19??-02-18 OR date:20??-02-18)
Internet Archive Search: collection:etree AND (date:19??-02-18 OR date:20??-02-18)
concerts on this date in history