I have a proposal for anyone interested…
I want to bring together a number of different insights into a specific question brought up over and over on the Molander/Ms. X podcast and in the debate raging in the comments below. It’s a question that I’ve been pondering for about three years since I was there at the launch of AdDrive (a CPA network) and have worked on but never come up with a satisfactory answer.
If you’d like to see and respond to the question, email me (sam@costpernews.com) and I’ll send it to you. The catch is that I want a response from you by this Friday. That’s not a lot of time, but the iron is hot, and we all need a good homework assignment. You should email me your response back as soon as possible (at the latest by Friday at noon est).
On Friday at noon est, I’ll post all the responses (with links to your respective programs and your pic if you’d like) at once in an amalgamated post. I’ll post your answer in full and respond to them as a whole and then to each of them individually with my own insights.
I’d like to get at least 10 of you to do this homework assignment. So, if you’re interested in my question and promise to respond by Friday noon, send me an email and I’ll get the question (and a copy of these instructions) over to you immediately.
Looking forward to a good debate.
60 thoughts on “A Modest Proposal: Homework Assignment for Readers (Due Friday)”