ValueClick’s Video Advertising Network Coming


ValueClick has launched in preparation for their soon to launch in-stream video advertising network.

On the site is a preview of their in-stream video technology (with footage from a recent adtech nonetheless) meant to show the quality and texture of what they can deliver. Underneath the video is an option for “In-banner video” as well as “In-stream video.” The in-banner video seems to be powered or associated with Eyeblaster.

Here are the pro’s for publishers and advertisers listed on the site:


  • High revenue with premium CPM rates
  • Easy to implement – integrated into our existing publisher platform
  • Insert video, rich media or graphical ads into existing pre-roll/post-roll inventory
  • Quality creative and effective campaigns
  • Compatible with most popular video formats


  • Two video products: in-stream (pre-roll/post-roll) and in-banner
  • Leverage extensive reach and ad network management expertise
  • Accomplish brand and direct response objectives
  • Improve ROI with higher response rates
  • Behavioral targeting and optimization capabilities
  • Complete transparency

How will this integrate with CJ?

What will Linkshare do?

How will this impact online and affiliate/partnership/referral marketing?

Will Google make a play with Google Video?

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