Porter Interviews Second Life Liberation Army Leader
Spyware, malware, social memetic and all around universal researcher Wayne Porter was intrigued by attacks by the Second Life Liberation Army on advertising entities within Second Life such as the new Reebok Store.
Believe it or not, this mini-microcosm of over a million early adoption, hi-tech and attentive users does have implications for online marketing. The struggles, issues and situations being worked out on platforms such as Second Life or Digg will ripple out and help determine the shape of user interaction on the web as the online world (including the marketing part) continues to evolve.
The group’s site includes the following statement:
The SLLA’s demands are simple:
“The establishement of basic ‘rights’ for Second Life Players. Having consulted widely we now believe the best vehicle for this is for Linden Labs to offer public shares in the company. We propose that each player is able to buy one share for a set-price. This would serve both the development of the world and provide the beginnings of representation for avatars in Second Life.”
Porter actually found the leader of the clandestine and secretive group and interviewed them on their motives, intentions and general philosophy. They admit to attacks and defending avatar rights by claim not responsible for grey goo attacks which have led to a crippling of some parts of the Second Life economy, and given skeptics of the platform ample fodder for ridicule.
Interesting questions are asked at the end of the interview which do have some connection to the
“cost per” economy that online marketing has created such as: “Even in this new and incredible terrain are we destined to walk down the very same paths we have for centuries?”
Interview on Digg
Interview on ReveNews
[…] I found another interesting comment worth publishing after my Revenews interview with the elusive Second Life Liberation Army. Also note some extended comments I made here. MsGiro Grosso’s analogies are not lost on me, nor, do I think, were they lost on Sam editor at CostPerNews who also senses the significance of the metaverse “ripple effect” or perhaps “mirror effect”. (I will try to get in touch with MsGiro Grosso if he/she is indeed an avatar.) Thanks Wayne for making contact with the SLLA and bringing the dialogue to a neutral location. As a developer in SL who is going to be responsible for bringing many brands into SL I’m sure the big red Target (not the brand) will be on my back as well, although we feel like a fair amount of our clients will be well received. We’re starting off promoting an indie film. If you attack an indie film then the entire population of SL becomes a target to the SLLA. […]
[…] I found another interesting comment worth publishing after my Revenews interview with the elusive Second Life Liberation Army. Also note some extended comments I made here. MsGiro Grosso’s analogies are not lost on me, nor, do I think, were they lost on Sam editor at CostPerNews who also senses the significance of the metaverse “ripple effect” or perhaps “mirror effect”. (I will try to get in touch with MsGiro Grosso if he/she is indeed an avatar.) Thanks Wayne for making contact with the SLLA and bringing the dialogue to a neutral location. As a developer in SL who is going to be responsible for bringing many brands into SL I’m sure the big red Target (not the brand) will be on my back as well, although we feel like a fair amount of our clients will be well received. We’re starting off promoting an indie film. If you attack an indie film then the entire population of SL becomes a target to the SLLA. […]