Shawn Collins Ornament Meme

Following Anik’s (from lead, I made an ornament out of the thoughtful Season’s Greetings card from Shawn Collins. The making of the ornament involved a scissor hack which modified the card beyond its terms of use, but the placement which the ornament will receive is of much higher quality and traffic than the card would ever get based on all of those other non-relevant contextual cards.

I’ve added the “ornament” to our Harrelson Family Holiday Chair…


And here’s the closeup of the newly added Shawn Collins ornament (along with C3PO)…

Do you send out a Holiday note to your partners? You should. Shawn’s package made my day and as a result I’m subconsciously more willing to do more business with him in 2007. Don’t underestimate the power of the Holiday Card!

And now for the important question…what did YOU do with your Shawn Collins Christmas Package?

6 thoughts on “Shawn Collins Ornament Meme”

  1. Wow, Sam – I am humbled and elated to take a spot next to C-3PO on the Harrelson Family Holiday Chair.

    By the way, is that chair some sort of Festivus thing?

  2. Wow, Sam – I am humbled and elated to take a spot next to C-3PO on the Harrelson Family Holiday Chair.

    By the way, is that chair some sort of Festivus thing?

  3. Haha… sort of.

    We are Baptists but one of our dogs says he is Dogist.

    We use a chair b/c I’m a hippie nut at heart and can’t bring myself to cutting down a tree to put inside our house. I also decorate an apple tree out in our backyard but we have the chair for inside purposes.

  4. Haha… sort of.

    We are Baptists but one of our dogs says he is Dogist.

    We use a chair b/c I’m a hippie nut at heart and can’t bring myself to cutting down a tree to put inside our house. I also decorate an apple tree out in our backyard but we have the chair for inside purposes.

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