Happy Holidays and Thank You’s


I hope everyone has a fun, happy and warm holiday where ever you are and whatever you are doing.

Marketing is a distinct human endeavor in which we attempt to persuade, either directly or indirectly, others of the valuable nature of some service, product, program or idea that they are not yet aware of or using.  Let’s all promise each other to do marketing right (whatever that means) in the new year.

I’d also like to thank you for making CPN such a success over the last few months. Since launching at the beginning of November we all (you and me) have managed to create a pretty valuable and interesting niche community discussing some of the most important questions we could ponder in the industry.

2007 promises to provide many more additional questions, so I hope you’ll continue to come here for discussion.

I also wanted to give a few shout outs to people who have explicitly made CPN possible over the last few months with their money, time, thoughts, encouragement and links:

There are a good deal more of you out there who have participated in the discussion, given suggestions and sent a long helpful tips or ideas, but I wanted to thank those who have directly affected this site and made it such an interesting place in only two months.

2007 will be a hectic year here because of CostPerJobs, a couple of great new sponsors coming in January and some other exciting new things going on behind the scenes here and there.

There will be light additions here until next Tuesday due to the Holidays. Check this out in the meantime and leave your hopes.

Thank you again for your help and your conversations! Here’s to many more-


120 thoughts on “Happy Holidays and Thank You’s”

  1. Hey Sam –

    I’d like to thank you for your input, ideas, feedback, Devil’s advocation, and all.

    Merry Christmas and may 2007 be a year of much personal prosperity for you!

  2. Hey Sam –

    I’d like to thank you for your input, ideas, feedback, Devil’s advocation, and all.

    Merry Christmas and may 2007 be a year of much personal prosperity for you!

  3. Yeah, thanks to you Sam, for being a good checks and balances and sounding board for me for the past few months. Also for keeping driving the innovation and keeping me motivated 🙂

  4. Yeah, thanks to you Sam, for being a good checks and balances and sounding board for me for the past few months. Also for keeping driving the innovation and keeping me motivated 🙂

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