Two New Plugins on Cost Per News
You may have notice the small text between the end of the post and the “Comments” option here on Cost Per News which says:
“Popularity: 3% [?]”
That little bit of text is supplied by an incredibly interesting plugin called Popularity Contest…
Popularity Contest is a WordPress plugin that keeps track of activity on your blog and calculates a popularity percentage for each post and page.
The popularity display you see:
Popularity: 27% [?]
is the rank of that post or page compared to the other posts and pages on the site.
Since page view counts, etc. are cumulative, newer posts will generally have lower popularity values than older posts. This, of course, evens out over time.
The values for different events (page views, feed views, comments, etc.) are configurable on a per-site basis, so each site may rank their content differently.
This is serious long tail stuff. However, over a given period of time, it is going to be incredibly valuable meta-data. If you have a network, merchant offer or CPA program, you should have a blog (a la Rextopia’s blog, FeedRex).
If you don’t, please let me know and I’ll help you set one up. EVERY network needs a blog, and this type of data would be INVALUABLE for your program’s blog.
Based on that data, I’ve set up a display of the top posts based on popularity. You can see which posts have had the most trackbacks, comments, views, etc. It’s not as interesting as the Popularity Contest plugin, but it is nice to see which posts have raised the most ruckus in the industry.
Of course, Molander’s podcast with Mrs. X on affiliate and CPA networks is at the top. I’m trying to convince Jeff to do another podcast on trademarks and affilaite marketing, so help me convince him.
Let me know what you think of the upgrades or if you have any advice!
simple comment… Nice blog Rex!
Jennine is awesome. If you’re not working with Rextopia, you’re missing out!
Jennine is awesome. If you’re now working with her or Deanna at Rextopia, you’re missing out!
Do you think this will make my Wikipedia stocks rise? 🙂