Comment of the Day: 10 Jan 2007
Every day (depending on the quality), I’ll be posting a “comment of the day.”
Yes, it’s cheesy, but sometimes visitors don’t dig down into the comments here and miss out on some great insight. There’s better content in the comments here than the actual posts, so make sure you’re following those!
Here’s the CPN comments feed (which is just the comments. The full feed is over to your left in the menubar).
And here’s the quote of the day…
Jeff Doak of Kowabunga responds to the question of innovation in affiliate marketing…
Specifically, something like datafeed-driven storefronts (GoldenCan, KBStores, etc) comes to mind.
But generally, a focus on more measurability and more analytics — CPA as a metric allows full measurement of channel vs. channel; also marketing to niches by allowing influencers in those niches to get compensation for referrals. This latter concept is going to affect everything moving forward.
Thanks, Jeff!
And thanks to all of you for reading and commenting!
Aw shucks 🙂