Business Card Tag Thing

I’m committing the ultimate immortal (yet most unoriginal) sin.

I’m starting a tag virus. Apologies.

But unlike the “5 things you didn’t know about me and won’t ever really remember” meme, this one is valuable… it’s about business cards.

Here is my business card…

Well, that’s not really true. I don’t have business cards. I think they are somewhat silly.

I carry around about 250 blank cards at shows and make the cards up on the spot depending on how well I like the person or how goofy they are to me (taken from one of my online heroes, Hugh McLeod). So, if you receive a flattering card from me at Affiliate Summit or in the mail, that’s good. If you receive some ironic poetry with a caustic tale, that’s probably a reflection of how I feel about your strategy or program.

For instance, here’s one I might give to Carsten Cumbrowski

I respect him.

So, I’m going to tag 3 of you to show your business card on your blog. You know the deal after that… you have to tag 3 others and so on.

So, I tag the following to get this going:

Loxly aka Deborah

Jim Kukral

Shawn Collins

Make it work, because it can be a pretty cool experience for all of us…

20 Replies to “Business Card Tag Thing”

  1. Ok, I’ll can mine in on Monday when I’m back in the office, but I have to tell you, I have 3 business cards, and they all are pretty lame compared to your fun thing. Neat idea to do that, but I can’t even write my name hardly, couldn’t draw a stick figure!


  2. OK, I need to design a real card anyway… humm… I like your idea too Sam, may have to work a variation on that theme… πŸ™‚ I know the 3 people I want to tag too…. give me until sometime Sunday or Monday. We’ll git r done!


  3. Sounds good, Loxly… take your time!

    Feel free to do a variation. As I said, my cards are a variation on Hugh McLeod’s, so it’s all relative!

    Looking forward to seeing your final product!


  4. lol, I have to be creative… I haven’t been very creative recently… good challenge and good timing… part of my problem is the variety in what I do… my friends like to ask me “Who do you work for today?” and the answer changes… πŸ™‚


  5. Exactly!

    The “who do you work for” question can easily be answered on the spot with customizable business cards. Wouldn’t it be great if we all had those? It would certainly slow the whole card exchange process down (which I don’t think would be a bad thing).


  6. Got Your Buisiness Cards for Affiliate Summit?…

    Sam Harrelson of Cost Per News has created a new blog tag virus thing where he’s asking people to share the business cards they are going to use at Affiliate Summit next week….


  7. Not as personal as yours, but I posted mine as you know
    here. One of them includes 2-3 hours pixel work, so it is a bit personal. Just mass replicated afterwards :).

    If I only give it to 30 people or so, the time spent on it divided by the number of people that received the card would make up the time it took you to make yours and we are okay hehe.

    p.s. Carsten is supposed to mean something religious or spiritual, but not Guru. I forgot what it was, but it has to do with “abrade”. Something that might be a bit more accurate hehe.



  8. […] Show Me Your Business Card, & I’ll Show You Mine Sam tagged me to show off my business card. The problem is that I have 3 business cards at the moment (, ReveNews & Forge/BlogKits), and they’re all pretty boring. So instead of scanning in those cards and showing them here, I figured I’d just design a new card that encapsulated my primary projects and contact information, specifically built for giving out at trade shows. […]


  9. […] Prepare lots of business cards: 500? 1,000? I guess you’d want to give out lots of cards and leverage on the opportunity to network with affiliate managers and fellow affiliates. Want to go off the beaten track? Check out Cost Per News Sam Harrelson’s Business Card Tag Thing. […]


  10. I think you need to get a little rubber stamp.


  11. Ha! Good idea, Simon. Maybe carry around variations such as “I’d like to do business with you” or “Please don’t call me after this conference because I think you’re an idiot.”

    Nah, I could never be that harsh. Except for when you are trying to enter the industry parties which “require a business card” for admission. How silly. I normally try to make up something extra mean for those.

    Hmm… I’ll have to do some thinking on that… thanks for the idea!


  12. online business card…

    I am all for it. I wonder how many folks actually use these. I built a small store that grew into over 100 thousands items. Its crazy how fast it grows!. Anyway. I agree!…


  13. I absolutely love this! best idea i’ve read/heard in a while. maybe you can send me one of your cards. πŸ˜‰


  14. Ah, that was all only for show and attention grabbing. He handed out boring standard layout business cards in black and white at the summit.

    Just kidding.. πŸ™‚

    I got a hand-written one as promised and still try to decipher it. College Teachers and PhD. hand-writing, what can I tell you hehe.

    Just kidding again. I am only trying to give Sam a hard time.


  15. […] This is fun. Blank business cards you fill in depending on the person you’re giving it to. Posted by olynnduncan Filed in Uncategorized […]


  16. Business Cards That Aren’t……

    I know, the title is very confusing.Β  Then again, so are Sam Harrelson’s business cards, or better yet, lack of business cards. I guess I can let Sam explain.
    Sam says, “I carry around about 250 blank cards at shows and make the cards up o…


  17. […] Sam explains how he makes a custom business card for every person he […]


  18. german newspaper…

    german newspaper introduction…


  19. Is this true ?Regards


  20. ElangoPrasiddhi October 6, 2009 at 02:38

    i added this to my collge reportThankspaul______________________________________________aion gold | aion kinha


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