House Keeping: MyBlogLog, Pop Ups and Advertising
1. 2,104 Visitors have added Cost Per News to their Favorites within their browser since the beginning of December. Aww. Thanks! I like you too.
2. It’s easier than a SEO company’s booth babe in Vegas (too harsh?) to advertise here on Cost Per News. Check check check it out at or click on the dollar sign to your left <~~~
3. I need your input on a question that has been bugging the hell out of me because I can't get good data on it… Do you prefer to have a new window open when you click on a pic/link here? Or would you rather the window you’re currently viewing CPN in go to the link you click? It doesn’t hurt my feelings either way, so be honest. Just please help me make that decision once and for all.
4. For the 45% of you still viewing this site on Internet Explorer… ugh… you disgust me. Change your ways and repent!
5. Girlshapedlovedrug by Gomez is a fantastic song. Go download it at your favorite non-drm vendor. I suggest, but Rhapsody is good for hearing everything and is quickly becoming a favorite for me since I’m always chained to this laptop.
6. ReveNews is picking up the content again. If you haven’t been there in the last few days, go read the interesting debates going on about the nature of business blogging (for free) in the comments. Good stuff.
7. Thanks to Jangro, I’ve been fixing some back end bugs this weekend that I had been avoiding. You won’t notice it (hopefully), but the site will be a little sharper, prettier and load even quicker.
8. I’m thinking about taking down the MyBlogLog widget. I love widgets and I’ve had a good time with MBL, but I’m not getting much out if besides seeing Molander’s pretty face every day. I’ve even been asked by other bloggers why I don’t visit their sites. The truth is, I read about 450 blogs through feeds. I promise that I visit your site, but my avatar doesn’t show up on your MBL widget because I’m reading your feed. I’d prefer people start using RSS, so I feel like I’m encouraging the dis-use of RSS by having the widget up. Eric, get your Yahooligans to help you write a script to allow people reading the feed to count as a “visitor.” You guys have done an incredible job at responding to the community concerns so far, and that’s my biggest concern about using MBL going forward.
9. I’ve grown a beard for Affiliate Summit so that I can look like my hero Dave Winer. Beards look good on me, I think. So, if you’re looking for me at the Summit, I’ll be the bearded dude without a shower. My wife hates the beard, btw.
10. I’m doing a few interviews with networks, affiliates and merchats at the Summit for CPN. I’m particularly excited about meeting the executives at Zanox and picking their brains on and off the record about the industry and international issues. If you’d like to setup a meeting, interview, presentation, steak/lobster dinner or just buy me a beer or three, send me an email ( I’m flying in on Friday and flying out on Monday night on the red eye.
11. Blogging is hard.
12. Affiliate Marketing is hard. If you think you know what you’re doing, you probably don’t.
Do you know if Zanox send over a German Dude to the Summit? Do you need a translator hehe.
You leave Monday night? The Summit starts Sunday and ends Tuesday (with a party on Tuesday evening I did not know about ). I will fly in on Saturday and go to the Affiliate Dinner organized by Brook. Are you coming to that one btw?
I guess I have to disgust you then. I use IE and sometime Firefox. Don’t ask me why, must be the M-Chip that came with MS.DOS 5.0. Microsoft suc.. autsch.. damn it. π
You still have to visit the sites to read the full posts most of the time. You don’t just read the snippets, don’t you. Why most blogs don’t send the full story via RSS is a topic of its own.
There will be some Germans, but hopefully they know my redneck/appalachian version of English as well. If you were on Twitter, I could let you know if I need some translating help… get on Twitter!
I have to fly out on Monday b/c I have to teach a class on Tues morning. Normally, I’d give the college kids a break (they need more sleep, right?), but we’re in the middle of something heavy and I can’t miss.
Yes, I will be at the dinner thanks to my Patron Saint.
I normally thumb my nose at those sites with the partial feeds. There’s nothing I hate more. It’s my decision of how much I want to read, not yours (you in the meta sense, not you, Carsten). So don’t cut me off when I’m paying attention to your ideas. Scrapers are still going to grab your content, so stop thinking that doing a partial feed is helping anything. It’s hurting you in the long run.
> Scrapers are still going to grab your content, so stop thinking that doing a partial feed is helping anything. Itβs hurting you in the long run.
OOps.. typo.. now is most of the previous comment hidden HTML π
> Scrapers are still going to grab your content, so stop thinking that doing a partial feed is helping anything. Itβs hurting you in the long run.
it makes it a bit harder.. okay reason no 1. was that…now reason no 2. and 3. and so on π
Twitter, mhh… use it in combination with and the taxpayers could safe a lot of money that is going to be spent on the IDs with chip. Btw. I do not have a blackberry and typing with a regular cell phone sucks big time. … and I am glad that I don’t have one. π
At least Twitter is voluntary, so you have the choice. The RFID chips in our new passports and eventually in our “gov’t ID’s” are not voluntary in terms of the information they share.
At least the RFID in the new passports can easily be hacked… with a hammer π
> Iβm thinking about taking down the MyBlogLog widget.
I thought about putting it up, but didn’t want to grant the real estate. I just use them for the instant info on who is clicking what.
Hmmm. I just put up the MyBlogLog widget… As per usual, I’m a day late and a dollar short for being cool.
Looking forward to the Summit. I’ll buy all of you a beer or three if I bump into you…
Yep, there’s definitely a memory leak. I’ve played with it on my wife’s partitioned laptop and besides being a crappy rip of FF, the memory usage is worse than FF 1.5 ever was.
Sad that most people think tabbed browsing is a “revolution’!