Sign Up – ShareASale Gets It Right
This is not a fluff piece.
This is a post about a great experience with a network sign up process that I’d like to share because it’s valuable.
I’ve gotten quite a lot of feedback through emails concerning the post about merchant or network sign up programs. I said that at the moment CJ was my favorite sign up process.
Interestingly enough, I had more than a few people email me about my omission of ShareASale’s sign up process. They were all quite vehement in their insistence that ShareASale has the best network sign up process for affiliates and publishers in affiliate marketing.
I’ve had a ShareASale account going back a few years, but not one for CostPerNews. So, the SAS team allowed me to go through the sign up process again to check out their process and sign up for CPN.
I’m impressed.
CJ’s sign-up form is more exhaustive up front and less friendly (how far along am I??) than the ShareASale signup…
The ShareASale signup process takes 5 steps and is rather painless, and even friendly, in its orientation….
The process goes quickly, seems to be less intrusive and really does encourage accomplishing a goal. As humans, we are built to accomplish tasks. Putting a visible “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” at the top really does make a world of difference. We play video games, we sift through emails, we collect money… and we love to accomplish goals. Take a hint from the SAS sign up process and keep the sign up process in a very visible “above the fold” situation. In other words, scrolling down during a sign up process is not a good thing.
CJ does an efficient job of collecting information and data right away and making the sign up process easy.
SAS does a great job of collecting data, keeping you on track and helping you feel as if you’re accomplishing a task. So, I was wrong. My preference for a network sign-up page at the moment is ShareASale.
Thanks to everyone who has sent in emails… now put your comments in the forums!
Anyone have any CPA networks with decent or good sign up forms?? Even if you’re a representative of that CPA network, let us know.
Coincidentally, prompted by the urgings of a kind but persistent network rep, I ran through a CPA network’s signup process yesterday.
Her pitch was, take two minutes and check it out. “it’ll make me very happy.” (Yeah, I’m a softie.)
So I did. Step 1 was fine, and I could leave out my SSN/tax info. Definitely not necessary if I’m just kicking tires. Step 3 was full-on W9 info. I pressed on (again, softie).
Maybe it’s just me, but if you want to get someone in, lighten the requirements a bit. Clearly tax info is needed, but down the road there’s another stick to wave at me to get that info — payment.
Completely agreed… having to download a W9, print it out and fax it back in right away for admission to a network is an incredibly steep (and arguably silly) barrier to entry.
Is shareasale a good program for a smaller company looking to pursue an affiliate program as a marketer? I;ve looked into quite a few CPA and would like to find one without a lot of upfront expense, fees, and high monthly fees. Suggestions are welcomed.
Interested in shareasale program-is this the best for a small company looking to test out the affiliate marketing without a lot of upfront costs? suggestions are welcomed.