World Of Warcraft on Ubuntu

Wayne and Jon … install Ubuntu so that we can start a Guild.  Forget Second Life, this is where the action is (literally!)…

The Digital Ninja » How to install World Of Warcraft on Linux

Thunder and Snow?

Mom just sent this over on email…

“It thundered in the winter time yesterday so that means so said papa carroll that it will snow or sleet within two weeks we will see.”

It Don’t Get Easy

I don’t even feel like writing today at CostPerNews.

It’s not burn out or disillusionment… it’s just my own reservations about the place becoming something other than a blog. Is it already too late? I’m having to watch my tongue there and keep on the correct side of the line.

Is there room for honesty when you have paid placements, or do the people paying (and reading) want honesty?

I’m guessing they do since they are consciously reading a blog and not Business Week or Revenue.

Still… it doesn’t get any easier as time goes on.

Marketers Disappoint Me

Where did it all go wrong?

Affiliate marketing, especially.  So much promise and potential there.  So much good that can and should be done with such a powerful, democratic and individualistic platform.

Stupid money.

Someone restore my faith in marketing (online or offline) … please?


Wayne is thinking of switching one of his boxes over to Ubuntu.

What are you waiting for, Wayne?? Even Anna uses it and seems to like it. At least her laptop is much quicker than it ever was with XP and she can do (just about) anything with it that she could do with Windows. Most of all, it’s fun to watch her play with tarballs, sudo apt-gets and compilers.

That’s what technology is for… playing.

And when did your blog become a splog? Geez, man. 🙂


Gore looked happy last night at the Oscars.

Wonder if he’ll ever run again?

Finishing Paper on Deuteronomistic History

Specifically on the importance of 2 Kings in the DH.  Read up on chapters 22 and 23 of 2 Kings if you haven’t done that in a while.  Fascinating stuff…

Deuteronomist – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

King Hezekiah centralised the religion and destroyed places and objects of worship that were outside of the control of the Jerusalem Temple and its priesthood. The Assyrian empire invaded Judah shortly after Hezekiah died, and gained suzerainty. Subsequent kings of Judah, owing allegiance to the Assyrians, restored the places and objects of worship outside the temple. However, Hezekiah’s great grandson Josiah instituted a new reform.