Get RSS in Your Email Inbox with SendMeRSS


The once popular R-Mail has been rebranded by its new owner (NBC Universal) as SendMeRSS.

If you’re a marketer reading blogs or if you’re a marketer interested in leveraging the power of RSS for your campaigns, the feed-to-email route may be the way for you to go since utilizing a feed reader (such as Bloglines, Google Reader, Newsgator) is not always the most popular way to consume feeds.

Send Me RSS is a a free service that lets you read your favorites RSS feeds in your email inbox just like any other email messages. Similar services are offered by FeedBlitz and FeedBurner (now part of Google).

Send Me RSS (available at is actually an upgraded version of R-Mail that was developed by Randy Morin and later acquired by NBC Universal. The domain now redirects to

Read RSS Feeds In Your Email Inbox with Send Me RSS | India Inc | Digital Inspiration

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