Julian of Norwich

I presented an overview of Julian of Norwich’s Showings
along with a brief overview of 14th Century England to a class at Gardner-Webb yesterday.

My Masters degree from Yale included a heavy focus on the writings of Piers Plowman and associated “Lollard” literature, so it was a natural fit for me to present on Julian given her historical and geographical context.

Needless to say, I had a blast putting this together (with the help of BeeDocs):

Here is the presentation itself:

Julian of Norwich

And here is the basic text of the presentation as well:

Julian of Norwich and 14th Century England

Julian’s work really is fascinating (as is the history of 14th Century Europe). I can’t recommend the study of either/both enough!

BTW, I normally use Scribd for these sorts of embeds and uploads of documents, but they’ve been having problems all morning. Frustrating. So, I’m using DocStoc. Let me know if you have a preference between those two.

7 thoughts on “Julian of Norwich”

  1. What a fantastic article! You realize I now have to go home and re-read my college text book on Catholicism in the 14th century. Serena

  2. What a fantastic article! You realize I now have to go home and re-read my college text book on Catholicism in the 14th century.

  3. What a fantastic article! You realize I now have to go home and re-read my college text book on Catholicism in the 14th century.

  4. What a fantastic article! You realize I now have to go home and re-read my college text book on Catholicism in the 14th century.

  5. What a fantastic article! You realize I now have to go home and re-read my college text book on Catholicism in the 14th century.

  6. What a fantastic article! You realize I now have to go home and re-read my college text book on Catholicism in the 14th century. Serena

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