Mourning Our Specialness

We’re not alone…

BBC Nature – Birds hold ‘funerals’ for dead: “Giraffes and elephants, for example, have been recorded loitering around the body of a recently deceased close relative, raising the idea that animals have a mental concept of death, and may even mourn those that have passed.”

One day we’ll realize that humans aren’t the center of our planet, just as Copernicus et al helped us realize we’re not the center of the universe.

10 thoughts on “Mourning Our Specialness”

    1. Not sure… I could use it as a glorified iPod or storage device or another
      wifi phone.

      Lots of options, but haven’t even thought about that yet.


      1. I’ve been going through this since I heard about the Google Phone. I’m in the same boat as you, I have given myself, data and soul, to Google and have held off on the Droids and G-whatevers until the real deal came along. If the GPS and wireless continued to work on the dis-umbilicaled iPhone, I would be perfectly happy.

          1. From what I’ve been able to find, mostly at, the GPS does work without phone service. I’m sure the wireless would, also. Probably the only feature that would not work is the location service which so many programs use. My next big question is if geotagging of photos works. I have not been able to find that, yet, but I live in a fairly remote area and the next time I am in a no-reception area (probably tomorrow morning) I will test the geotagging.

    1. Not sure… I could use it as a glorified iPod or storage device or another
      wifi phone.

      Lots of options, but haven’t even thought about that yet.


      1. I’ve been going through this since I heard about the Google Phone. I’m in the same boat as you, I have given myself, data and soul, to Google and have held off on the Droids and G-whatevers until the real deal came along. If the GPS and wireless continued to work on the dis-umbilicaled iPhone, I would be perfectly happy.

          1. From what I’ve been able to find, mostly at, the GPS does work without phone service. I’m sure the wireless would, also. Probably the only feature that would not work is the location service which so many programs use. My next big question is if geotagging of photos works. I have not been able to find that, yet, but I live in a fairly remote area and the next time I am in a no-reception area (probably tomorrow morning) I will test the geotagging.

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