How to Make “Khan” Videos
Khan Academy | What software program / equipment is use…:
“Sal uses a PC with:
- Camtasia Recorder ($200*)
- SmoothDraw3(Free)
- Wacom Bamboo Tablet ($80)
My students and I have been using Khan Academy videos to help us in our studies of pre-Algebra over the past fall. While there have been some kinks and bumps, the experience has been amazing from a teacher and learner point of view.
Mostly, the pause button is the most revolutionary thing to happen in education in a long while. The ability to have classroom discussions, collaborative problem solving and real in-class learning combined with independent and self-paced skills work have changed how I teach (and learn).
Over the holiday break, I’ve been making a few “Khan” style videos to go along with presentations (lectures) I’m giving on a few more complicated subjects (such as some Astronomy and celestial mechanics topics) for my 7th grade students at Carolina Day School this spring.
Someone asked about my setup, so here’s what I’m using:
- ScreenFlow ($99)
- Wacom Bamboo Splash Pen Tablet (CTL471)
($65 on Amazon)
- AutoDesk Sketchbook Express (free with the Wacom tablet)
I’ll post up a few when I’m done with a series but have been impressed with the Bamboo tablet and experience so far. Pretty painless and enjoyable!
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