Setting Fire to the Past


Ancient Manuscripts In Timbuktu Reduced To Ashes : The Two-Way : NPR: “‘These priceless manuscripts are my identity, they’re my history. They are documents about Islam, history, geography, botany, poetry. They are close to my heart and they belong to the whole world,’ the mayor said.”

Fundamentalists in Mali aren’t the first or the last to commit such atrocities, of course. Europeans have a long history of setting fire to their respective pasts as do Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Seleucids, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Sumerians before them.

We set fire to the past when we speak of “the Founding Fathers” or “Biblical veracity” everyday.

Still… “The past is never dead. It’s not even past,” as Faulkner reminds us.

“I Didn’t Know There Was Another Type of Phone”


My five year old daughter saw my Galaxy S3 on the kitchen table this afternoon and asked:

“Daddy, what is that?”

“It’s a mobile, why?”

“It’s not an iPhone?”

“Nope, here’s my iPhone.”

“Oh, I thought all phones were iPhones.”

I keep forgetting that she was born in the same year the first iPhone was announced and then released.

Start Your Own School with a WordPress Plugin

Really exciting to see this type of thing develop (especially from the fine folks at WooThemes using the venerable WordPress platform):

Sensei from WooThemes: “Google is working on an online course solution. Same story with Khan Academy, Coursera, Udacity, and … you? If you run a website that uses WordPress, you can now easily (relatively) build your very own online school.”

via edudemic

We’re in for a major sea change that has to be scary not just to independent education outlets but also colleges and universities that “get it” when it comes to what’s around the corner.

That’s why Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT etc are working so hard to secure their footholds in this brave new world of education and learning. Sadly, k-12 independent schools aren’t seeing the light just yet.

Microsites and SEO

Microsites can still be powerful additions to your business’ web presence.

However, they can also cause you some serious headaches down the road if implemented incorrectly in 2013 (Google is an evolving beast).

Rand’s video from 2009 still rings true:

SEOmoz Whiteboard Friday – The Microsite Mistake from SEOmoz on Vimeo.

Additionally, go read his description of “subfolders” vs “subdomains” for more info on the topic.

We’ve done a great deal of work with clients on microsites over the years and are always astounded when people within the SEO industry confuse the subject to the point of actually hurting a client’s optimization. Always do your homework and always make sure to ask lots of questions about implementations and long-term strategies.

Class Development and Management

How would this work in a classroom (or even faculty meeting)?

What is Amazon’s approach to product development and product management? – Quora: “It’s not uncommon to attend meetings at Amazon that begin with everybody sitting in silence for the first 5-10 minutes reading a document.”

Pretty well, I imagine.

Getting things done is all about culture.

Remembering Danny Goodman: Four Years Is Too Long

I miss you everyday, Prof Goodman.

Victory is sweet, even deep in the cheap seats…

Sam Harrelson: Oh Captain, My Captain: Prof Dan Goodman

Here’s how he described me four years ago just before his death:

“Fun guy, smart guy, obsessed with techno gadgets, a little overbearing in Trivial Pursuit, good taste in music (early REM), bad taste in music (early Glen Campbell), reads too many blogs, writes too many blogs, dresses snappy, beautiful family, loves history, hates theology, and likely running from his true calling to be an evangelist.”

He still haunts me daily with that description.

Thank you, Danny.

Should Cursive Be Replaced by Typing Education?

I’m terrible at writing in cursive. I was in the hospital for a chunk of time during first and second grades when my public school taught the majority of cursive writing techniques (I’ll never forget the worksheets I had to do). Luckily, it didn’t hold me back much.

I understand the “kinesthetic benefits” of learning with cursive, however I do wonder…

Great comments and discussion on this Ask Reddit thread about cursive education:

AskReddit: “Do you think that cursive writing education should be replaced by typing education for 1-2nd graders?”

Remembering Aaron Swartz

Great piece from a mainstream publication about an open web hero:

Why We Should Remember Aaron Swartz – Businessweek: “Swartz wasn’t an anarchist. He came to believe that copyright law had been abused, and was being used to close off what, by law, should be open. It is hard to find fault with his logic, and there is much to admire in a man who, rather than become a small god of the valley, was willing to court punishment to prove a point. The world will have no trouble remembering Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, and this is as it should be. But it should remember, too, people like Aaron Swartz, the ones who make those empires possible.”

How Gorillas Got Their Name

Learn something every day…

Gorilla – Wikipedia: “The American physician and missionary Thomas Staughton Savage and naturalist Jeffries Wyman first described the western gorilla (they called it Troglodytes gorilla) in 1847 from specimens obtained in Liberia. The name was derived from Greek Γόριλλαι (Gorillai), meaning ‘tribe of hairy women’, described by Hanno the Navigator, a Carthaginian navigator and possible visitor (circa 480 BC) to the area that later became Sierra Leone.”

Hanno was a fascinating person (as were many Carthaginians).

There’s even a crater on the moon named after him.

Here’s the source that started my Sunday afternoon rat-hole into the life of Hanno…

A History of Ancient Geography Among the Greeks and Romans: From the Earliest Ages Till the Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1 (on Google Books for free).

Aaron Swartz on “Digging In and Fighting Harder”

Such grand thoughts by a passionate person who has been taken from us…

Look at yourself objectively (Aaron Swartz’s Raw Thought): “In moments of great emotional stress, we revert to our worst habits: we dig in and fight harder. The real trick is not to get better at fighting — it’s to get better at stopping ourselves: at taking a deep breath, calming down, and letting our better natures take over from our worst instincts.”

Happy 30th Birthday to the Internet

Vint Cerf writes a great post about how the modern-day internet (no, not Facebook and Twitter and came to be during a tumultuous switchover in 1983:

Marking the birth of the modern-day Internet | Official Google Blog: “In an attempt to solve this, Robert Kahn and I developed a new computer communication protocol designed specifically to support connection among different packet-switched networks. We called it TCP, short for ‘Transmission Control Protocol,’ and in 1974 we published a paper about it in IEEE Transactions on Communications: ‘A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication.’ Later, to better handle the transmission of real-time data, including voice, we split TCP into two parts, one of which we called ‘Internet Protocol,’ or IP for short. The two protocols combined were nicknamed TCP/IP.”