Handy Google Spreadsheet Keyword Generator
I keep track of all our keyword bids, ideas, brainstorms and lists in Google Drive via Spreadsheets.
I had no idea this was possible but will be using the heck out of this feature now…
A Glimpse Into Google’s Brain, Hidden In A Spreadsheet App: “Yesterday TechCrunch reported that if you make a spreadsheet in Google Drive (Google Docs, formerly), enter and highlight the names of two beers, and pull down on the corner of the spreadsheet cell while holding Option or Control, the app will automatically fill the following cells with the names of other beers. The information is pulled, seemingly, from nowhere.”
And no, it’s not just for beer. I made a few quick tries with keyword lists for specific specialty clients and was impressed with the nature of the returns.
It’s not a replacement for keyword-specific tools, but a nice way to brainstorm from time to time.
Google Sets have been around for a while and I was always impressed with what was possible (and bewildered they “shut down” the service a few years back). Nice to see Sets having a long life ahead as a part of Google Drive.