I’ve used Yoast’s SEO WordPress plugin a great deal in the past when I needed a “set it and tinker when necessary” on a client site or affiliate site we’ve developed. I decided to give it a go with the fresh WordPress install we’re using for CostPerNews and discovered something that I’ve heard others complain about in the past… dual sitename titles both in the browser and in the meta.
So, a little googling turned this up:
I have taken a liking lately to Yoast’s SEO plugin. So far, it just plain works. Now I am not the type of guy to worry too much about this stuff. I apply little tweaks here and there and maybe it helps. But the plugin offers a lot of things I like, like bread crumbs, and easy access to my .htaccess file, and robots.txt. Only a few things have to change to enjoy this plugin. Let’s dig in to this.
via Modify Header.php to Get the Most Out of Yoast’s SEO Plugin in a TwentyTen Child Theme – VoodooPress
Basically, clean up your site’s title tags and you’re good to go.
Again, Yoast isn’t for everyone (interesting discussion in the comments if you’re into this type of thing). However, it’s free and is a nice helper when you’re looking for an optimization plugin for your affiliate site that is quick, generates clean sitemaps (necessary for hooking your site up to Google Webmaster Tools, which you should do regardless) or even optimizing your breadcrumbs (always good for SEO!) and cleaning up rel=author issues.