Interesting news from Mountain View today regarding AdSense and Custom Search:
Inside AdSense: AdSense for search now powered by Custom Search: “We’re happy to let you know that AdSense for search is now powered by Custom Search. If you’ve used Custom Search Engine (CSE) before, you know that Custom Search offers advanced customization options to help improve the accuracy of your search results and tailor them to what users are looking for. With the integration of Custom Search into AdSense for search, you can take advantage of CSE’s most popular features without having to leave your AdSense account.”
And here’s a video for the textually challenged short attention spanners (I digg Matt’s sweater, btw):
This is pretty big news for product blogs and sites that rely on niche keywords for traffic. I’ll be experimenting with this today on my new NASCAR blog (yeehaw as Marky Zarc would say).