Google Misses Earnings Numbers – Bury Gold in Your Backyard?

Wow, this is pretty surprising. I’m not an alarmist, but this is a pretty big miss for Google:

LIVE ANALYSIS: Google Misses Revs/EPS, Stock Plunges – Silicon Alley Insider: “Overall, net revenue decelerated sharply–from 62% growth in Q3 to 52% growth in Q4–after a series of quarters with only modest deceleration. Expect this deceleration to lead to multiple compression: Google’s days of trading at 50X cash flow are likely behind it.”

(Via Silicon Alley Insider .)

The Power of Blogging for Online Marketers

Zac Johnson was upset over a sudden change to Azoogle’s referral terms and blogged about it yesterday. Azoogle didn’t take long to respond. There’s a great deal for both publishers and networks to learn from all of this…

AzoogleAds Makes Good on New Referral Terms | Super Affiliate Secrets from Super Affiliate Zac Johnson: “Once again, this fiasco has shown the power of blogging and communication. While some readers were angry that I removed AzoogleAds from the blog, simply because you thought it would be a loss of revenue for me, you are wrong. My referrals and revenue sources from AzoogleAds are minimal and I made the decision to remove their links because at the time, new terms were put in place with no explanations or reasoning. With so many networks and revenue sources available, I will not tolerate drastic changes without reasoning, and neither should you.”

(Via Zac Johnson .)

Twitter Leaves Joynet

Twitter moving to another hosting company… will this solve the frequent downtime? I hope so.

Joyeur: Twitter and Joyent: Update: “Twitter has been officially off Joyent since 10PM last night. This may come as a surprise to some after yesterday’s posts here and here regarding the two companies working together. Those of us at Joyent appreciate the opportunity we had to work with the talented folks at Twitter. It is a great service. We wish Twitter every continued success.”

(Via Marshall Kirkpatrick on Twitter.)

Google PageRank Condoms

Techmeme‘s Gave Rivera chimes in on Andy Beard’s post about Google’s apparent -3 PageRank penalty applied to Techmeme.

Great stuff… go read Andy’s post and Gabe’s full response:

Techmeme PageRank Penalty? | Andy Beard – Niche Marketing: “Hey Tim Berners-Lee, you once said ‘hyperlink by enclosing anchor text in an A HREF tag’. Hope you don’t mind, but Google’s amending that with ‘oh, and make sure to use a nofollow condom on links to entities with which you have commercial relationships, and if your links are redirects, robots.txt disallow the redirect urls…wait, better yet, nofollow those too’. Thanks for the simplicity Tim, but this is what progress looks like.”

(Via Andy Beard Niche Marketing .)

Affiliate Blogging: Getting Started | ContentRobot

ContentRobot is a great company that is helping us move ReveNews from MovableType4 to WordPress. If you need help with WordPress installs or service, I highly recommend them.

Karen, Dana and the team recently asked Stephanie Agresta, Carsten Cumbrowski and myself how to get started in affiliate marketing.

Here’s our short responses:

Affiliate Blogging: Getting Started | ContentRobot

Twitter Down… Again

Something we’re seeing way too much these days when we try to login to Twitter:


I love you, Twitter. I’ve loved you since Nov 2006. But you’re letting me down with the constant down time. I can (somewhat) understand Steve Jobs’ keynote from Macworld bringing you down, but the State of the Union causes you to hiccup? As Rex Hammock points out, there’s no way you’ll make it through the Super Bowl.

So, please start working (somewhat) regularly again. There’s lots of us out there who love you and are patient… to a point.

GeekCast Episode 3: Racing Stripes

Shawn Collins, Jim Kukral and Sam Harrelson expound on web celebs, affiliate network interfaces, iJustine and Jim's GuyLights (about an hour)

Download the MP3 File

Show Notes

TechCrunch Presidential Endorsements: TechCrunch
– Spammer Sam: CostPerNews 45n5
Shawn in Middle of CJ/Pepperjam Spat: Pepperjam Blog
– Super Affiliates For Sale: Affiliate Summit Blog
Zac Johnson Doing it Right: Zac Johnson’s Blog
Jim is a Twitter Hater: Jim Kukral’s Blog
– Affiliate Summit Exhibitors Are Missing Out (By Not Doing Video)

Visit for More Great Geek Marketing Podcasts!

First Political Attack Tweet?

I’m an avid Twitter user and fan (you can follow me here). I love when politicians use the service for updates and quick thoughts such as what Democrats John Edwards and Barak Obama have been doing in the presidential campaign as well as what Republican Rep John Boehner has been doing with Congressional business.

My favorite person to argue with, Shawn Collins, let me know that Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain has brought the straight talk express to Twitter with his own account. I noticed what I think might be the first political attack tweet from a candidate:


Other candidates that have been using Twitter have been posting info about events for local followers or either links to YouTube video of rally’s, etc. It would be a shame if the candidates follow McCain lead and bring the negativity so associated with TV political messages into the Twitter medium.

Ryan Adams Live at The Paramount Theater on 2008-01-26

via the wonderful

I Spammed My MySpace Friends

Evidently, I’m a spammer…


This was sent to me by my pal and super uber affiliate marketer Scott Jangro today. Clearly, that’s my name, my MySpace profile pic and my “identity.”

Seriously, WTF? Clearly this did not come from “me” yet it did come from “me” according to MySpace. If you thought Facebook’s Beacon was bad, then this is terrible.

I’ve logged into my MySpace account (which I rarely do) and everything seems in order. Just to be on the safe side I changed my password.

How in the hell did this happen? Did all of my MySpace “friends” get this? Worse yet, it’s for a ringtone offer. Shoemoney would be proud. I digress.

Ah, the joys of social networks.

[Update] Evidently, I’m not alone. Although the “change your password and everything will be cool” advice really doesn’t make me feel better.

Want More RSS Subscribers? Use Link Splicer


For the past three years, I’ve bookmarked a great deal of things using Last Spring, I decided to start using to bookmark marketing and tech related items that might be interesting for readers here and using Feedburner’s “Link Splicer” option to import those bookmarks into the RSS feed and daily email subscription newsletters.

I wasn’t sure if people would enjoy the bookmarks or find benefit but soon realized they did. With the craziness of having a newborn, I feel behind on linking through Ma.gnolia and decided to start again recently. After turning on the Link Splicer again this week, I’ve notice RSS numbers and actives jump up 12% and the most popular feed items are consistently the bookmarks.

I’m not sure if that’s saying more about people’s opinion of my blogging or the benefit that they are finding in the things I bookmark, but I’ll take the increase either way 🙂

So, if you are using or Ma.gnolia (or Furl or Digg) for bookmarks and Feedburner for feed management, make sure to turn on Link Splicer. People do want to see what you think is interesting from your daily web browsing.

GeekCast Episde 2: Auto Approval

Lisa Picarille, Shawn Collins, Jim Kukral and Sam Harrelson discuss the week's news in affiliate marketing and online tech news.

MP3 File

Show Notes
– Affiliate Summit Tips
Scoble Sells Out
– Ethical Standards and Blogging
45n5 and Affiliate Spam
WickedFire N00bery
John Chow
Izea, PayPerPost and Ethics
5 Seconds of Suck
– Shawn is Yoko Ono
– Why is Jason Calacanis Affiliate Summit Keynote?!?
– Auto Approval Sucks… or Does It?
– Affiliate Certification?

Visit for More Great Geek Marketing Podcasts!

Gospel Brunch at the Affiliate Summit


One of my favorite events (or at least the one with the best food) at the Affiliate Summit is the Christian Affiliate Marketing Assoc’s Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues.

This is the second year the CAMA is putting on the event, and it should be even better this year since transportation is being provided from the Rio (where the Affiliate Summit is being held) down to the House of Blues. Last year, I walked from where Wayne Porter and I were camping all the way to the H.O.B. and I have to say that I got my exercise on that chilly morning. Good times.

The 2nd Annual Gospel Brunch, presented by the Christian Affiliate Marketing Association, is taking place at the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay on Sunday, February 24, 2008 from 8:45 AM to 11:30 AM. Yes, it’s early and most of you will have been partying late into the night on Saturday night, but you could probably use some good food and fellowship to cure that hangover and wash away some of the Sin City taint. In all seriousness, it’s a great event and I highly recommend. As the CAMA points out, you don’t have to be a Christian or from any denomination to attend (and no one is going to beat you over the head with the book of Deuteronomy to make you change your sinnin’ ways…).

So, if you need a moment of respite, rest and fellowship during a hectic Affiliate Summit week, make sure to attend the Gospel Brunch.

Affiliate Summit Pre-Game Show on Fri Jan 24

Missy Ward and Shawn Collins of the Affiliate Summit Conference are heading up a “pre-show” on WebMasterRadio tomorrow at 1pm. I’ll be taking part as a participant along with Jim Kukral, Wil Reynolds and Stephanie Agresta:

The Affiliate Summit Pre Show will feature the following guests:

Stephanie Agresta – Founder of Stephanie Agresta Consulting, which helps online entrepreneurs and emerging technology companies realize effective, cost-efficient online marketing programs

Sam Harrelson – VP of Biz Dev for OnCard Marketing and one of performance marketing’s best-known voices, designer of affiliate programs for top retailers, operator of marketing networks and manager of a variety of consumer advertising channels

Jim Kukral of and active, multiple-roled participant in the affiliate marketing industry and leading expert in the blogosphere, recently awarded the Affiliate Summit “Best Blogger” award for his voice and participation, also former publisher of

Wil Reynolds – Founder of SEER Interactive, dedicated to driving traffic to sites from search engines and analyzing the impact that traffic has on the bottom line of companies

More on Affiliate Summit at

Make sure to listen in as this should be a very good show. I’ll try to get a copy to post here and we’ll hopefully have one up on for you to tune into as well.

CPA to Eventually Beat Out CPC?

Forget the age old CPA networks vs affiliate networks argument.

What about CPA vs CPC? That argument stirs up fun fighting words.

Aaron Goldman has an interesting piece on SearchInsider about this issue and the potential for macroeconomic trends to have a very real impact on the search and direct response industries:

Will CPA Get its Day?

There are a couple macro trends that lead me to believe a move to CPA might be in the cards. The first is consolidation in the space. For the first time, each of the Big 3 owns reputable ad serving technology. Not only does this provide access to conversion activity, but it delivers more reliable data that marketers will accept for billing purposes. The second is a movement toward transparency that’s pervading all facets of the marketing landscape. The inherent conflicts within GoogleClick, MicQuantive, and YahRightMedia demand a level of transparency heretofore unseen in the search space. There is simply no more transparent pricing model than CPA.

My take is that it is clear that marketers across the board have yet to realize the impact that CPA can have on the overall market economy given the reliance of more and more web2.0, mobile, video or social platforms on response instead of click or impression.

Clearly, there’s a need for improved and evolved metrics in online marketing. I think CPA could be hinting at the possible future of all online advertising and marketing.


LinkConnector Making Gains: Is There a “Big 4” Anymore?

With last week’s launch of the pepperjamNETWORK and the discussion that ensued about the role of affiliate networks in the online marketing space, it’s interesting to take note of some of the other networks out there that exist (in size but not necessarily quality) between the CJ/Linkshare/Performics/ShareASale affiliate network model and the more direct response driven CPA networks.

One of those networks is North Carolina based LinkConnector. LinkConnector has been active in the industry since 2004, but it looks as if they are picking up steam and advertisers according to a new press release.

LinkConnector kicked off 2008 with nine merchants from the Internet Retailer’s Top 500 Guide, tripling its market share reach, and closing the gap between itself and other large networks, such as Commission Junction. LinkConnector has redefined for many merchants and affiliates what it is they want from an affiliate marketing network. Many merchants from the Top 500 Guide selected LinkConnector for its exclusive technologies, not found in other networks, and for its notable list of high quality affiliates.

“Many top Internet retailers took notice of LinkConnector in 2007, seeking new and better solutions in affiliate marketing,” said Choots Humphries, LinkConnector Co-President. “Internet Retailer’s independent survey affirms that we are rapidly capturing market share. We believe this is due in part to our exclusive technologies and unique approaches, differentiating us from the crowd. We expect to again grow by more than 100 percent in 2008, providing affiliate marketing solutions to a growing number of merchants from the Top 500 List.”

So, the important question here is how networks such as LinkConnector, or the new pepperjamNETWORK or even the increasingly important CPA networks like AzoogleAds (not to mention agencies like MediaWhiz or the budding widget ad networks) will impact both the affiliate market and the more mentioned “Big 4” networks?

Is there even a “Big 4” anymore?

2008 should be fun as we find out.

Breaking Bad Has a Good Viral Campaign

Breaking Bad is a new movie TV show coming out about a high school chemistry teacher who creates his own meth lab business. Sounds like a silly movie, but the viral marketing campaign is tremendous.

Here’s one I just sent over to Jim Kurkal:

You can waste some of your own time by freely contributing to the marketing of the movie here.

Looks like this will be a hit viral campaign along the lines of that stupid “put-your-face-on-a-dancing-elf” thing from this past holiday season.

Cloverfield is a Rejection of “Social Media”


“Most of all this is a movie about how the young’uns have no tools for moral discourse and that all they can do is utter banalities and take endless pictures of each other and record their lives for no apparent purpose.”

Cloverfield is a fantastic movie for all the wrong reasons and makes you scratch your eyeballs/head/logic and reconsider who you’d go back for. Go see it for your own benefit and realize what Abrams, etc are trying to express.

Marginal Revolution: Cloverfield

Going to Affiliate Summit, Have a Mac and Need a Reservation?


Heading to Affiliate Summit on Feb 24-26 at the Rio Hotel (as you should be)?  Have a Mac?  Still haven’t booked a hotel room?

Then this little desktop widget is for you:

Las Vegas Travel Widget… Get travel deals on Las Vegas, Reno Nevada and Lake Tahoe. Select on back which feed you want to display. Travel deals from which searches 28 sites using the Travelocity search engine.

Las Vegas Travel Widget: Mac Update